Investing in You™

Grow your self worth to gain more net worth

Whether you are a satisfied single, dating or married, Investing in You™ Workshop Series will help you strengthen your personal power, enrich your life and create the relationship of your dreams with yourself, your body, men, romance, money and success.

Many women have not taken the time out to get to know themselves and what they want. They haven’t learned to set their boundaries or take care of themselves emotionally; and many have but wish to keep on growing. Perhaps that’s you? But if you haven’t fully accepted and loved yourself first, it is likely affecting your relationship with your body, with men and other women. More profoundly, it has probably taken a negative toll on your relationship with love, romance and intimacy, as well as your ability to attract money and success.

Investing in You™ is a transformational workshop series to help you live and love more fully. Through dynamic lectures, interactive exercises and discussions, you’ll gain the self discovery tools you need to move forward and create the life you really want.

Our in-depth workshop environment helps you gain profound insight and enter into deeper conversations and exercises to learn more about yourself in every area of your life.

You’ll answer the questions:

  • What do I want?
  • What’s stopping me?
  • How can I overcome it?
  • What steps do I take to create what’s next.

    How it works:

  • Your three hours will include the following learning styles:
  • Lecture style: Learn stimulating theories and ideas
  • Experiential: Interactive exercises for personal growth
  • Focused: Create an action plan to immediately apply to your life and take away to keep you on track for new results

Upcoming Investing in You™ 2012 Workshops – TBA

Get the information every women needs to know to stay healthy, vibrant, youthful, sexy and pain free!

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Happiness begins and ends with you. Your journey to a happy, healthy, fulfilling life starts with an ability to fully understand, accept and love yourself deeply …

We are investing in you!

Your Information

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
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  • Postal Code
  • Email
  • Home Phone Number:
  • Cell Phone Number:
  • Referred by:
  • Comments:

Workshop Selection (See list)

I would like to register for a trade table.

Payment Method

Cheque (Payable to Courageous Living)Cash at the doorCredit Card

Credit Card Information:

  • Name
  • Card Type
  • Number
  • Expiry Date

We will contact you by email with a receipt
and ticket confirmation.